Frequently Asked Questions
Everything You Need to Know:
What does The Work Lab do?
We help employees stay and thrive in the workplace through on-site personal coaching and resource navigation. The Work Lab provides one-on-one support services to employees of member companies with the goal of ensuring that employees have what they need to come to work and to focus on being successful in the workplace and their personal lives.
What value does The Work Lab provide?
Our employer partners receive value by having a trusted resource working directly with their employees. WorkLife Coaches are impartial and completely confidential and help eliminate obstacles that can keep employees from being fully mentally or physically present at work. Employees receive value by having access to a professional who knows what resources are available locally and can quickly align those resources to help employees find solutions to life’s challenges. Local non-profits, government agencies and private businesses receive value because WorkLife Coaches guide employees to appropriate services.
What types of organizations can use a WorkLife Coach?
Any. If you value your employees and care about their long-term success inside and outside of the workplace, then adding a WorkLife Coach to your suite of workplace benefits is for you.
My company has an EAP program. What is the difference?
Our services complement EAP programs, which typically focus on counseling services to address mental and emotional issues. EAP benefits are generally short-term in nature, held remotely and limit the number of sessions. By contrast, WorkLife Coaches are on-site and available for as long as an employee needs or desires assistance. Thus, WorkLife Coaches are helping resolve immediate needs and working with employees on longer-term stability and growth objectives. In addition, our WorkLife Coaches recognize situations where an EAP benefit is appropriate and facilitate the connection.
What background do WorkLife Coaches have?
Our WorkLife Coaches are guided by the fundamental pillars of relationships and trust, which form the cornerstone of their success. They draw on their experience and additional training in coaching conversations, motivational interviewing, mental health first aid, and trauma-informed care. Furthermore, WorkLife Coaches have a solid grasp of human resources and employment practices, complemented by additional training in financial counseling. Additionally, they are familiar with community resources and possess the ability to efficiently coordinate services for our clients.
How can we promote these services to our employees?
Work Lab services are an investment you are making to develop your employees. A WorkLife Coach's mission is to guide people toward solutions to challenges and empower rather than “fix” people. Therefore, it should not be positioned or viewed as a service that employees utilize only in emergencies. Because WorkLife Coaches are a third party, and because of the confidentiality commitment, employees are less likely to feel that their professional reputation is at risk due to personal challenges.
How is trust handled between WorkLife Coaches and management or HR?
We view management and HR as partners in supporting the employees, understanding that employee confidentiality must be maintained. Our Program Director manages the overall employer relationships and checks in with HR and management via regular meetings.
How do employees gain total confidence about confidentiality?
WorkLife Coaches explain to the employee that their conversations are held in confidence unless the person permits us to share information – the only exception being if there is a concern that the person will harm themselves or others. No specifics are shared with the employer.
Is the WorkLife Coach a counselor or licensed therapist?
WorkLife Coaches are trained to help employees but are not counselors or licensed therapists.
How long will an employee be served?
There is no limit to the number of sessions an employee can have with a WorkLife Coach In addition, the employee can continue to work with their WorkLife Coach as long as they remain employed at one of our partner companies.
Should everyone go through the program?
Sessions with WorkLife Coach are open to all employees. We work with the employer to promote the program through various channels visible to employees at all levels: new hire orientation, emails, website, bulletin boards, etc. We also encourage employers to refer employees to their WorkLife Coach directly. However, the employee is ultimately the decision-maker as to whether they use the services offered. In addition to assisting employees, our WorkLife Coaches are available to their family members, one generation up, down and across.
How can a supervisor work with a WorkLife Coach?
Managers and supervisors play an essential role in the success of their employees and the integration of The Work Life Coach program into the workplace culture. The supervisor-employee relationship is a critical referral point for employees to a WorkLife Coach. Supervisors are often made aware of potential barriers by their employees first. By referring the employee to their WorkLife Coach for assistance, they can often get their employees the help they need before it affects their performance at work.